
I am a resident of Cardiff therefore come under the Cardiff and Vale Health Board.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 18th November 2013 following a callback on a routine mammogram. On this date I was 54yrs old.

If it were not for the screening, this would not have been picked up as I had no symptoms, no lump to feel and no visible changes at all.

I am a healthy weight, dont smoke, drink rarely and I eat healthily.

So hooray for the screening service for women over 50. But following my admissions to Llandough Hospital on Anwen, the Breast Care Ward, I think the age of screening should definitely be brought down as many of the women were only in their 30's.

I had early stage of invasive ductal breast cancer and within 4 weeks on 17th Dec was booked into Llandough Hospital for a lumpectomy. I chose this option as I wanted to try to save my breast as the tumour was only pea sized. A mastectomy was offered but I declined at this point.

On getting the results on 2nd January, I was informed that they had found an additional non invasive ductal cancer at the edge of the lump they took out.

I was then offered to go back in to have a small margin taken away to meet the guidelines of clear margin of this additional cancer.

I went back into Llandough on 4th Feb to have the additional cancer taken away.

I went back on 13th Feb for my results and was hoping to move forward to Velindre Hospital for planned radiotherapy.

Unfortunately, and to my surprise and shock, there were more cell changes found. A third admission date was given for 11th March for a third lumpectomy.

I went back for final results on 20th March 2014 and was informed my consultant that the margin was clear this time.

I now wait for radiotherapy sessions at Velindre Hospital and expect to take hormone treatment for a further 5 years.

Throughout my cancer journey, I was treated with respect, fully informed about what was happening and had excellent treatment from the NHS. NICE guidelines were adhered to throughout treatment. Anwen Ward at Llandough Hospital was clean and the staff were really lovely and did a fantastic job.

I could not have received a better service if I had gone for private treatment.

Kind regards,

Patricia King